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Doctor who jokes

Three doctor who conversation joke below:

I said to my mate, "I just met a doctor who claims he can cure my illness."
"Which doctor?"
I replied, "No, he's legal."

I walked into the Doctors today I said, "Hi, I've got an appointment for 3:45."
"Who with?" Asked the receptionist.
"The doctor." I replied.
She said, "Doctor Who?"
I said, "No, but that would be cool."

I walked into the Doctors today I said, "Hi, I've got an appointment for 3:45."
"Who with?" Asked the receptionist.
"The doctor." I replied.
She said, "Doctor Who?"
I said, "No, but that would be cool."

A short doctor who story joke below:

A young woman gazed up from her hospital bed at the very handsome doctor who was examining her chart. She fluttered her eyelids and said, They tell me that your are a real lady killer. The doctor smiled and shook his head. No, I make no distinction between the sexes.

These are the best doctor who jokes I have, please enjoy.

Funny doctor jokes for kids is a new collection of hilarious, funny jokes about doctors, nurses, patients and operations that will make you laugh out loudly.

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