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You might be a redneck if 66

You might be a reneck if...

You have to check your coke can before you take a drink just in case you have mistaken it for your spit can.

You have accidentally taken a drink from your spit can.

Your wife asks you what you want to be when you grow up.

You see a forest fire and think 'Bar-bee-Q'.

You've ever strained your tea through a flyswatter.

Your mother is hairier than your father.

Instead of flossing you use a plunger.

You take the back window out of your pickup because it's easier to chuck the empty beer cans in the back that way.

When the back fills up with empty beer cans, you get another pickup and start all over again.

Your grandma can bench press a ruck axle.
Redneck jokes and humor, ranging in topics from rednecks going flying to indications of being a redneck. We have literally hundreds of redneck jokes for kids to enjoy! "You might be a redneck if..." Are you familiar with this sentence?

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