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New job at the zoo

Starting his new job at the zoo, the eager young zoo keeper asked the Head keeper what he should do for his first task.

"Go and clean out the aquarium" he was told. Arriving at the aquarium, he discovered that all the fish were dead. He rushed back to the head keeper and asked what he should do.

"Throw them to the lions" said the head keeper, "the lions will eat anything". So the young keeper returned to the aquarium, picked up all the dead fish and threw them into the lion's cage. That done, he returned and asked what he should do now. He was instructed to go and clean out the ape house. Off he went and started cleaning. He was shocked to discover dead chimpanzees in the cage, and rushed back for instructions.

"Dont worry" said the head keeper, "just throw them to the lions, the lions will eat anything". So the young man returns to the ape house and throws the dead animals into the lions cage. Returning again for instructions, he is told to go along and help clean up the insect house. Busy cleaning out one off the exotic hives, he notices that all the bees have died.

"I know what to do", he thinks to himself "I'll throw them all to the lions, as the lions will eat anything", whereupon he brushes them all up and throws them into the lion cage. The next day, the zoo obtains a new lioness. The lioness is walking around the new cage for the first time, and starts asking the other lions what things are like here.

"How's the accommodation?", she asks. "Fine" comes the reply from one lion. "And whats the food like?" she asks. "Not bad" replies another, "yesterday, we had fish, chimps and mushy bees".

You will like this section very soon if you love animals or have a pet. Some animal jokes are the best kids jokes. This section includes pet jokes, dog, cat, mouse, bird, ant, crow and so on. Enjoy our collection of hilarious animal jokes for kids and laugh along with the pure humor and classic jokes related to our friends living in the animal kingdom.

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