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Short nurse jokes

Question: What do you call two ITU nurses holding hands?
Answer: Answer synapse.

Question: Why did the nurse have a long pole and two rubber gloves?
Answer: Her way of not getting pregnant.

Question: What do you call a nurse with a brain?
Answer: Pregnant.

Patient: "Nurse, I just swallowed my pillow!"
Nurse: "How do you feel?"
Patient: "A little down in the mouth"

Really funny short joke here:

A nurse had to take a patient back to her room after surgery. Woman was still feeling the effects of the anesthetic and was rather confused. After nurse had made her comfortable, she was confronted with four of woman friends who asked, "How is she?"
The nurse replied, "Oh, she"s quite dopey."
One of the friends said, "We know that, but how is she health wise?"

Funny doctor jokes for kids is a new collection of hilarious, funny jokes about doctors, nurses, patients and operations that will make you laugh out loudly.

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