Cheese puns for kids
I wanted cottage cheese with my meal so I ordered from the a la curd menu.
A cheese manufacturer located on the coastline was called Ocean Bries.
The history of cheese is full of holes, but it's interesting in its own way.
Cheddar is as Gouda cheese as any American could wish for, and while we Edam all that is something one could never Provolone.
A good wine starts with a good grapevine. A good cheese starts with a good bovine.
I had a dream last night about some cheese chasing me. I think I'm having halouminations.
What do you get if Basil Brush is eating a four cheese pizza and he catches fire? Mozzarella FireFox.
I walked past a gang of youths yesterday and one of them threw a piece of cheese at me, which hit me on the back of the head. I turned round and shouted, "That's not very mature!"