Phone songs
All of the following songs may be played on a touch-tone phone. Commas are pauses, and hyphens are held notes.
Mary Had A Little Lamb
3212333, 222, 399, 3212333322321 or3212333, 222, 133, 3212333322321
Jingle Bells
333, 333, 39123, 666-663333322329, 333, 333, 39123, 666-6633, 399621Frere Jacques
1231, 1231, 369, 369, 9*9631, 9*9631, 111, 111Olympic Fanfare
3-9-91231, 2222-32112312, 3-9-91231, 2222-32112321The Butterfly Song
963, 23621, 3693236236932362, 963, 23621Happy Birthday
112, 163, 112, 196, 110, 8521, 008, 121Previous: Musician jokes